General characteristic of the didactic system of information competence formation for medical students in the educational environment of university

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Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет імені Івана Франка
The article considers some conceptual and categorical aspects of the development of the didactic system of information competence formation for medical students in the educational environment of university. It is noted that there is no single approach to definition, development and content of the components of a didactic system. It’s noted that a didactic system can be attributed to simple, artificially created; open, probabilistic systems, as well as one that is a set of hierarchically related components. Several models of the developed didactic systems are analyzed. Ideas of scientists became the theoretical basis for the development and scientific substantiation of the author’s pedagogical system of formation of information competence of medical students in the educational environment of the university, consisting of the following blocks: predictive and targetive, containing the purpose and objectives of the system; conceptual and methodological, which includes the concept of research and defines scientific and methodological approaches of research, properties, functions and principles of formation of information competence of students of medical specialties; theoretical and content-oriented, which integrates the structural components of information competence of medical students; activity-procedural, containing three stages of formation of information competence of students of medical specialties, pedagogical conditions, methods, forms, means that ensure the success of this process; resultful and evaluation-oriented, which reflects the criterion-diagnostic base of the study: criteria, levels of information competence of students of medical specialties, appropriate diagnostic tools, special diagnostic methods, as well as the expected result of the implementation of the developed system.
Ключові слова
дидактична система, студенти медичних спеціальностей, інформаційна компетентність, освітнє середовище, університет, didactic system, medical students, information competence, educational environment, university
Бібліографічний опис
Davydova Z General characteristic of the didactic system of information competence formation for medical students in the educational environment of university / Zhanna Davydova, Mariia Lisova // Молодь і ринок. – 2022. – №6(204). – C. 115-120.