Anniversary books 2023

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ПВНЗ "Харківський міжнародний медичний університет", Бібліотека
In the world, there are many books that are read and reread by generations of readers. They captivate, inspire contemplation, and impart life wisdom. It seems that their characters live among us, and their attitudes towards life are so relatable to modern individuals that at times it's hard to believe these books are over 100, and sometimes even 200 or more years old. While reading such books, one doesn't always ponder the time of their creation. The anniversary books of 2023 stand out with their profound plots, historical accuracy, and relevance in addressing the highlighted issues
Ключові слова
Virtual Exhibition
Бібліографічний опис
Anniversary Books 2023 : Virtual Exhibition / compiled by Natalia Chernyshenko; PIHE "Kharkiv International Medical University". – Kharkiv, 2023.