Shiyan, DenisTrach, OlgaSosonna, LiliiaYurevych, NadiiaChekhovska, GannaMalieiev, DenysAlekseeva, VictoriiaGargin, Vitaliy2023-12-192023-12-192023Pedagogical aspects of the impact of smoking on the human body based on radiographic density indicators of maxillary sinus bone walls / Denis Shiyan [at al.] // Georgian Medical News. - 2023. - №10(343). - P. 18-22. most effective process of quitting smoking can be achieved through precise and complete identification of the adverse effects on the human body.enRadiological bone densityparanasal sinusessmokingchronic rhinosinusitispedagogyPedagogical aspects of the impact of smoking on the human body based on radiographic density indicators of maxillary sinus bone wallsArticle